Tensorpunk as a company is dedicated to one thing: pushing the boundaries of conventional audio processing, generation, and synthesis. We are dedicated to creating next generation technologies for the aid of producing and finding new sounds for musicians. Our journey as a company has just begun, but we are eager to get the ball rolling on implementing artificial intelligence into audio plugins.
“A mathematical object analogous to but more general than a vector, represented by an array of components that are functions of the coordinates of a space.”
Definition of Tensor
“A style or movement characterized by the adoption of aggressively unconventional and often bizarre attitudes”
Definition of Punk
Thank you!
We would like to personally thank all of those who are participating in the early adoption of MACE! This technology is exciting and we are busy rapidly developing improvements as well as newer models for generation.
Update Checker
Within the MACE VST’s UI will appear a red text link in the footer as “Update Available!”. This will take you directly to the update page for download of the newer version as we progress with development. This is not for the newer models but we are considering including a built in check for newer releases. We plan to post updates in our news section as well as an email list for every new model released to expand your arsenal and sample generation power.
List of developments
Here is a list of some current news and things in the works:
- The Mac version is in development and depending on testing may be available very soon.
- There have been questions about the license / legality for the generation of the samples for commercial releases (i.e. sample packs). We are currently consulting a legal team to create a “Pro License” for these instances. However, as an early adopter you will automatically receive this license. When we have that sorted, keep an eye for an email issuing this license.
- New models are currently wrapping up for training. Expect 2-3 model drops soon. There will be an email notifying you with a link available for download.
- As an early adopter your feedback is important! If you have an idea / desire for a particular model category please contact us and let us know so we can prioritize demand.
- There will be bugs! There has been quite a bit of testing but since the release is still in the early phases there is potential for things to go wrong. The AI generation is also a factor that may vary depending on hardware from machine to machine. Please don’t hesitate to report any to us via [email protected]
Happy generating!
-Tensorpunk Team